Golden Proportion Facial Gauge

Golden Proportion Facial Gauge
This device is used to measure various facial features to determine their spacial relationship. In particular, they can be used to estimate the ideal incisal edge position by placing the top leg at the bottom of nose and the bottom leg at the point of the chin. The middle arm should then demonstrate the ideal incisal edge length. There are other uses, as well.
This is designed to be 3D printable in it’s entirety. That said, the pins can also be substituted for M3x10 screws for a tighter, more rigid fit. I find an assorted kit like this to be very handy in 3D Printing (Amazon Associate Link:
I recommend printing this on edge with support. Supportless should also work, but depending on your printers “elephant foot”, supports might be most predictable. If you don’t know what that means, use supports ;-) You’ll need to print:
2 Primary Legs
1 Secondary Leg
1 Brace
4 Pins (unless you substitute M3x10 screws)
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