VacMask with Roomba Filter Port

VacMask with Roomba Filter Port
This mask design is in ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT. In other words, the design will evolve with time. But, at the time of upload, the design has been printed and tested for fit. All components fit and are comfortable to wear. Please only produce this mask if you are comfortable assuming and all risks. No known material testing has been done on the various options out there. It is up to the user to determine safety and appropriateness.
The intent of project is to help those with no other option. Please be sure to understand any risks associated with the production and distribution of this design. Use at your own risk.
Also, this design employs the use of a cartridge air filter that is designed to be used with the iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner. The safety of this filter for human breathing is currently unknown. Again, use of such a filter is up to the user to ensure safety and appropriateness.
Please reference included video for instructions. You will need to add a 1/4”x1/16” strip of foam tape to create a between the mask and filter.
IMPORTANT: If using the Medium Flat or Dual Roomba units, please be aware that you will need to trim the 2 fins down to fit. They should only extend about 2mm beyond the upper rim of the cartridge rim. 2mm or LESS. A video will soon be produced to help demonstrate. But, to accomplish this, simply set a pair of scissors flush against the upper rim and the base of the cartridge. And then cut. This will trim them almost off, but will leave about 2mm extending. This will be more than enough to keep them secure.
The recommended filters and headstrap can be found at the following link (Amazon Affiliate Links):
Foam Tape for Filter Compartment:
Foam Tape for Border Seal:
Version Changelog:
Initial Release
Addition of MediumFlat and Large Dual
Correction of misaligned port on MediumFlat
Correction of Vent hole sizes on Medium, MediumFlat and Large Dual.